Pantry Pests Can Be Hectic Sometimes

The holiday season is approaching, so are our gatherings and family cooking season. You have to take out your crockery and stuff and while doing so you may come across these pantry pests who love to invade our kitchens. These pests are mostly attracted to our kitchens due to their survival on grains, like beans.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control
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Pantry Pests Can Be Hectic Sometimes

Holiday season is approaching, so are our gatherings and family cooking season. You have to take out your crockery and stuff and while doing so you may come across these pantry pests who love to invade our kitchens. These pests are mostly attracted to our kitchens due to their survival on grains, like beans and.

By: cheemz
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Are You Worried About Ticks In Your Yard!

Your yards can attract a lot of bugs due to ideal conditions. One of them are Ticks and tick bites which aren’t restricted to your woodland walks and camping adventures only. These pests love to stay closer to home. You can also contract tick-related diseases from ticks present in your lawn and garden. If you’re.

By: cheemz
In: Default, Pest Control
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Extreme Summer Is Perfect For Insects!

Summer is our favorite season mainly because we get to do outdoor activities like beach parties, BBQs, camping, and other activities. You have noticed that this season is also a favorite of bugs. You can see wasps, mosquitoes, and termites more than in winters and must be thinking why so? Well, any kind of pest.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control
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Unique Pest Infestation; Silverfish

On today’s episode of unique pest infestation, I have brought you silverfish, a unique and occasional invader of your home. These pests can be found in humid, dark, and moist areas of the home which includes basements, attics, and bathrooms. This insect fears humans therefore it tends to hide in the presence of humans and.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control
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Unique Pest Infestation; Rollie Pollie

On our series of unique pests, we must introduce you to the pill bug, commonly known as rollie pollies. This bug spends all its life on land. These small creatures can get smaller by rolling into a tight ball, this is how they got their name. you can find them everywhere in the world. As.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control
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Unique Pest Infestation; Ladybugs

Most people are familiar with ladybugs. They are also called lady beetles. Most species of Ladybugs are known for their benefits but some are a nuisance as well due to overwintering structure. This small pest has over 475 species in states alone. Any insect in abundance is creepy and annoying for you and a large.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control
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Unique Pest Infestation; Millipedes

Millipedes can be found throughout the world, they have around 1,000 species occurring alone in the United States. These multiple leg insects can be easily found in the high moisture areas and where vegetation is decaying or piles of leaves. They do not like to invade your home but can occasionally come to look for.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control
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Bed Bugs Are Very Creepy, Learn How

Bed bugs have been living with us and feeding on us for more than 3,500 years and yet continue to top in the list of the top pests plaguing hotels, homes, hospitals, attractions sites, and even seats of public transportation. Due to their micro size and stealthily sneaking ability, they even get into belongings and.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control
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How To Treat Carpenter Ant Infestation

You must have seen those movies in which some creepy ants attack the town and just get over everything. Yes, they do exist. A very clever and dangerous type of ant is the carpenter ant. They have gotten their name for their incredible nest-building quality. They make their nests in the wood. They do not.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control
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